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January 14, 2006

For those of you who’ve kept up with this, Stacy wrote to say that Boswell came home yesterday! Her cat has been missing for 15 days, and she’s been so worried. She and her husband have had Boswell since they first got married, over 12 years ago. So, he’s a family member.

Welcome home, Boswell! (You can go see his picture here.)

Today is Saturday, so that means our prodigal cat will come home for the day as well. It’s the strangest thing. Briar Rose leaves us during the week, but she comes home to visit her siblings and nieces on Saturday afternoon. Every week. One of our kids will point out, “Look! There’s Briar Rose!”

She’s a white, fluffy ragdoll cat, and I’m sure she’s taken up residence with someone who gives her more attention than we do. She smells like perfume when she comes home. Now wouldn’t that be a fun children’s book to write? Briar Rose the Perfumed Cat. Where does she go when she disappears?

Briar Rose and Boswell are keeping some secrets from us!

By: Heather Ivester in: Cats | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (2)

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