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March 11, 2006

Rhonda Rhea Yesterday, I wrote somewhat of a rant, which I don’t normally do. But today, I’ll tell you about the flip side of forwarding humorous stories around that don’t have a writer’s name on them. Every day, I get a short article delivered to my email address from Daily Wisdom. This is a service of Gospel Communications International, which I chose to subscribe to, and I enjoy these messages very much.

At the end of each story, the writer’s name is included with a brief bio. Recently, I’ve enjoyed reading several things written by Rhonda Rhea. Her bio is always included, which says:

Rhonda Rhea is the author of Who Put the Cat in the Fridge and other insanely fun books, including Amusing Grace and Turkey Soup for the Soul: Tastes Just Like Chicken. She is a radio personality and humor columnist and speaks at conferences and events nationwide. Rhonda lives in the St. Louis area with her pastor/husband and their five children. Find out more at

Rhonda Rhea

So, now I’ve heard of this author and her books. And I love the way she writes! Well, what if I just cut-and-pasted her story and sent it around to some people, who forwarded it to a few more people? Somewhere along the way, her byline would probably get lost, and nobody would know that she was the author. It would just become another one of those “cute email things” that people read and forward, read and forward.

Instead, I read Rhonda’s story yesterday, which was called “Envy Wrecking,” and it really connected with me. I wish I could say I’m just super-spiritual and I never get jealous of people, but the truth is that it’s a sin I have to confess every day. I pray, “Lord, please forgive me for being jealous of ____. You’ve given me so many things to be thankful for. I praise you, Lord, for the gifts of my life.” Rhonda shared in her humorous way how she overcomes jealousy and gave us some scriptures to encourage us. So I went to her website and wrote her how much I appreciated her story. I was able to give her feedback — and who knows? That might have encouraged her to keep on with her writing.

So now since I’m a blogger, I get to share here one of Rhonda’s funny books, Who Put the Cat in the Fridge? I’m sure it’s full of inspirational humor, just like the snippets I’ve read in Daily Wisdom. I discovered Rhonda is also a member of the Christian Humor Writers’ group, along with Dena Dyer and Tim Bete, whose books I reviewed here last fall.

(I must say, I’m curious about that cat in the fridge!) 😉

P.S. I also discovered that Rhonda Rhea is a blogger as well. I know I’ll be back to visit!

By: Heather Ivester in: Books | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (3)

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