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March 29, 2006

OK, y’all. This doesn’t happen too much around here, but a few minutes ago the phone rang, and the caller ID showed “New York, NY.” As you know, my kids are on spring break, so I was afraid to answer the phone. Lots of background noise!

It was a call from Cecilia Fang, who is a producer with the TODAY Show in New York. For real! Last week, she’d sent me an email asking if I’d be interested in helping her with a series on mothering. I thought this might be a joke from one of my brothers-in-law, but I went ahead and wrote back and said, “Sure.”

So, she called here, and we chatted. I found out that I’m NOT the person she needs for this show … but maybe one of you are!

— Are you a mom who stays home to care for one or more children?

— Does your husband work away from home?

— Would you like to see your husband switch jobs with you for the day?

— Here’s the catch … Are you pregnant? If so, are you showing enough to where you LOOK pregnant?

If you’ve answered yes to these questions, you could be on the TODAY Show! This is not a joke. I checked into it a bit, and Ms. Fang has a blog and mentioned this request to her readers here.

I also found this on a message board for moms:

Hi there,
I’m a producer with NBC’s Today Show. I’m doing a special story on understanding each other, specifically husbands and wives when the wife is pregnant. I’m looking to shoot a story where we give the wife and pregnant mom a day off and have Dad know how it feels to be pregnant and a mom for the day.
I’m specifically looking for a couple that already has at least one child with another on the way. I would love to chat with any of you that are interested. Please email me at if you are and I can explain more. This is a legitmate interview request from the Today Show.

Please spread this around to as many moms as possible because she needs somebody this week! And if one of you fits the role she needs and gets to be on TV, please let me know so I can say that I knew ya way back when, OK?

By: Heather Ivester in: Motherhood | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (2)

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