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April 28, 2006

A few minutes ago, I was standing at my kitchen sink washing the breakfast dishes, and I read through FlyLady’s Eleven Commandments list, which is taped to my window. (Yeah … that’s where I knew I’d actually read it.)

I gave #9 a good bit of thought:
“Work as fast as you can to get the job done. This will give you more time to play later.”

I’ve got two distasteful chores that I must do today — and this 9th principle is going to help me get through them. The first thing I have to do that I don’t want to do is mop my whole first floor. This involves clearing everything off the floor, sweeping out all the cracks and crevices, filling up my bucket with water and cleaner, and MOPPING. Yuk. Boring. But I gotta do it.

The second thing I must do is clean out my car. Over the past week, we’ve been to the pool twice — ALREADY!! That, plus all the hauling here and there has built up a mountain of trash. I’ve got to get a trash bag in there and fling my way to clean.

So, how can I make this kinda fun? Well, of course it won’t be really fun. But I can trick my mind into thinking it’s sort of pleasant by using the following five tips:

1) Follow the 9th commandment and work as fast as I can to get it done.

2) Bring my timer into the car with me, set it for 15 minutes, and work fast. Clean out clutter, shake out car mats, and Mr. Clean the sticky spots. (If you don’t have a timer, maybe you could listen to music, and play a game where you try to get it all done before three songs are over.)

3) Remind myself that there are at least one billion other women out there in the world who are having to do the exact same things. Maybe not mopping and car decluttering, but at least having to do time-consuming housework chores.

4) Fix my eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith. He will enable me. He will give me the energy I need. (Hebrews 12:1-3).

5) Think about the FUN task ahead that I’ll reward myself with — if I get it all done!

My multi-tasking GRAND plans for Sunday afternoon if I get this work done:

1) Sit out in the sun wearing mild sunscreen and a straw hat. Purpose: to get some color on my legs to hide my absolutely hideous varicose veins. Yep — I’ve got ’em BAD. Medals of motherhood?

2) Read Karen Kingsbury’s new novel.

3) Drink something cold, filled with ice cubes, and maybe even a straw. (Pretend that someone brought it to me while I’m lounging on the beach, by the sea.)

4) Watch the kids play out of the corner of my eye.

5) Nap a little bit, when I get the little ones down for their naps.


OK, I’m off to the races. How about you?

Update: Do you know how difficult it is to mop floors with a very mobile and sociable 13-month old around — who is OUTGROWING her beloved morning nap? I eventually had to put her in her highchair so she could watch, but not be in the way. Then the car. Exhausting … but done. Now our house is clean and smells like oranges and lemons, and I’m needing a shower!

By: Heather Ivester in: FlyLady | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (2)

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