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August 19, 2006

My husband and I went to a Gala last night — I didn’t even know how to pronounce that word until I heard a few people say it. It does have the “long a” sound.

Well, this thing was fancy-schmancy, and maybe if one of our pictures turns out, I’ll post it. Because we had an awesome time. We even danced.

The highlight of the evening was the meal, which was absolutely amazing. We had a salad that was made from a cucumber, which they used to poke lettuce leaves out of. Thin slices of carrots were wrapped around everything, and even our butter was shaped like rosettes.

I’m sure the people we ate with (doctors and their wives) do these kinds of things all the time, but I managed to pretend like I was used to it. I think the cold cream of cantaloupe soup shocked all of us — it looked like shrimp bisque, but it was COLD. And sweet. And … well, kind of weird.

Our main course included shrimp, filet mignon, and baked chicken. Yeah … all three. And for dessert, the wait staff brought each of us individual flaming red velvet cakes with cream cheese frosting. Since there were no doggie bags, I ate most everything — and enjoyed every morsel, every minute of conversation. It’s not often I have a date with a man in a tuxedo.

SO! The point of this post. See that picture? That’s what I’m eating this weekend. I’ve worked my tail off to drop 15 pounds on the South Beach Diet, and I’m NOT putting it back on. I had way too much fun shopping for a dress in a size smaller than I wore last year.

Mmmm … soy protein bars, here I come.

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