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November 13, 2006

Generation NeXt Parenting: A Savvy Parent's Guide to Getting it Right

Does this picture crack you up? I absolutely LOVE this book cover. This was my life 20 years ago. I didn’t own a Trans Am, but there were dozens of them in the parking lot at my high school. And I DID attend a Duran Duran concert (and spent hours lip-sync’ing “Rio” in front of the mirror in my basement.)

Well, guess what? This book can be YOURS! I’m having a Book Give-away here — my first ever. I have an autographed copy of Tricia Goyer’s book, Generation NeXt Parenting, that I want to give away FREE to one of you! All you have to do is write something, even just your name, in the comments here, and I’ll hold a drawing on Friday, November 17th. I’ll email you for your address, then I’ll pop it in the snail mail to you.

I’d love to know what you were doing 20 years ago. Are you like me, one of the 41 million Gen-X’ers, born between the years of 1961 and 1981? This book is written for those of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s — and are now trying to raise the neXt generation.

What was I doing 20 years ago? Well, I was 17 years old, in my senior year of high school. I was slowly becoming aware that the world didn’t center around my suburban so-called life, and I felt off-and-on panicky that I wouldn’t be accepted into college, or if I did, that I would fail miserably.

Meanwhile, I spent my afternoons after school at cheerleading practice, and I worked every weekend as a receptionist for a time-share company. I also had a fantastic English teacher who introduced me to a book I’d never heard of, Wuthering Heights. After reading that book, I decided to major in English.

How about you? What were you doing 20 years ago, in 1986?

22 Responses to What Were You Doing 20 Years Ago?