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December 6, 2006

Where has Zep been all my life? I’m actually enjoying cleaning windows. In fact, I have no time to blog because I’m too busy swishing dirt and fingerprints off my windows with my new best friend: Zep Commercial Glass Cleaner.

I didn’t intend to bring Zep home. I was at Home Depot looking for a satin nickel doorknob when voila! I saw this cleaner with “guaranteed professional results.” So I bought it, with new visions of streak-free windows (at least for five minutes before little hands touch them). I also bought these nifty cleaning cloths that were for sale right next to Zep.

This is the best stuff! It doesn’t smell as strong as Windex, and the cloth wipers don’t leave little linty things on your windows like paper towels or coffee filters do. So I had to tell you about it. If you’re in desperate need of some window cleaning in your home, grab a bottle of this the next time you’re at the store.

(Too bad you have to clean windows on both sides. It’s cold outside!) ðŸ™

By: Heather Ivester in: Organization | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (1)

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