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March 3, 2007

Today is March 3rd, which means it’s a day to celebrate daughters in Japan. It’s called Japanese Doll Festival, or Hina Ningyo. I posted about it here exactly a year ago.

I’m always nostalgic for Japan on March 3rd because I truly can’t believe God has blessed me as the mother of three daughters. If I lived in Japan, we’d have a specific area devoted in our home to display these dolls — and we’d be eating special food and having a party!

I would love to hear from any Japanese readers about what you do to celebrate the Japanese Doll Festival in your hometown.

A few minutes ago, a girl named Chikako posted this on her Myspace blog, with an adorable picture of some Japanese paper dolls:

It’s March 3rd. Today is Girl’s Day called Hina-matsuri in Japan. It is also called Peach Festival or Doll’s Day.

It’s not a national holiday, but we celebrate with decollating traditional Japanese dolls called Hina-ningyo. But only family which has girls.

We eat special rice cracker called Hina-arare, 3 colours mochi, Chirashi-zushi and drink white sake. Recently, we eat Hima-matsuri cake.

My mom decollated Hina-ningyo when my sister and I were little girls, but not now. We had small Hina-matsuri party tonight. We had nice yakiniku for dinner!

The picture is paper Hina-ningyo decollated in Taketa. The town are having Hima-matsuri festival until March 18th. We can also see traditional dolls.

Kawaii … Natsukashi, ne! 😉

If you have a daughter, give her an extra-special hug today. She’s worthy of celebrating!!!

By: Heather Ivester in: Japan | Permalink | Comments Off on Today is Girls’ Day in Japan

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