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March 31, 2007

On Valentine’s Day this year, Darlene Schacht, editor of Christian Women Online magazine, was interviewed by Cindy Swanson for WQFL/WGSL Radio’s “Weekend Rockford.” I’ve been so busy this month, I didn’t have a chance to listen to the interview until this morning. It lasts about 20 minutes.

It’s a wonderful, encouraging interview! I really got to know a lot about Darlene and how she started CWO. Although she first began it as a writing project with a few friends, she’s been surprised at how it has taken off into a ministry. There have been several women who have come to faith in Christ because of this magazine — Darlene explains how that happened in the interview. She also shared more about the Prayer Room and what is going on there.

Cindy and Darlene talked about the blogosphere and how women are connecting online these days. Darlene shared that many of CWO’s readers are stay-at-home moms who enjoy being able to fellowship with other women while staying nearby their children. It was so enlightening for me to learn more about the blogging community.

If you’re a blogger and you haven’t joined the CWO ringsurf yet, I hope you’ll take a minute to join. There are now over 1100 members, so it’s the largest Christian blogring on the internet.

It was fun to hear Darlene’s voice since I’ve only known her through written correspondence so far. I really enjoyed reading her book, The Mom Complex.

If you’ve got a load of laundry to fold, maybe you can listen to this podcast in the background and enjoy getting to know this amazing woman of faith, Darlene Schacht.

By: Heather Ivester in: Faith,Motherhood | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (3)

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