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May 8, 2007

I wrote yesterday about discovering Beth Vogt’s article in the new issue of Spirit-Led Writer. Well, that led me to do some nosing around her website, Mommy Come Lately, which is full of wonderful help for mothers who are having children later in life.

Beth writes, “More and more women are embracing motherhood in their mid-thirties and forties. Most Mommies-come-lately agree: A late start at motherhood—or for some women, a restart—enhances your ability to succeed as a mom.”

On her website, there are links to recent news articles as well as a rich library of resources — both online and print — that are of interest to women bearing children later in life.

I learned the term AMA, which means Advanced Maternal Age. Any woman over age 35 bears increased risks during pregnancy, explained more here.

There’s also a photo album full of inspiring pictures of families where the mother gave birth later in age.

Beth’s book topic strikes close to home for me. Our party turned out to be a lot of fun last weekend, and we had several young families over at our house. At one point, I was sitting on my back porch talking to two friends my age, in our late 30s. Both women were considering whether or not to have another baby.

I felt like, from that conversation, perhaps a new life will someday come into the world — because I do hope they’ll try for another baby. We also had a couple, mid-30ish, who are considering adoption — and this is also a topic covered on Beth’s website and in her book, Baby Changes Everything: Embracing and Preparing for Motherhood After 35.

Beth also writes a blog, Mommy Musings.

Since my last child was born when I was 36, I guess I’m part of this Mommy-Come-Lately movement as well. No matter what age you are — or whether you have a child biologically or through adoption — there is no greater gift than being called to raise a new human being in the image of God. Nothing compares to the joys!

By: Heather Ivester in: Books,Motherhood | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (1)

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