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January 29, 2008

The new January 2008 issue of Spirit-Led Writer is posted online now, and there are some great encouraging articles for Christian writers.

If you have an article or review that would appeal to Christian writers, this publication is a paying market and is always looking for submissions.

Ever since I wrote my September Parent Muse column on internet privacy, I’ve had a hard time feeling motivated to write about myself or my family online. What do you think?

Here’s the opening of my column:

As a parent writer, you don’t have to look far to find great story material. The people around your own kitchen table provide you with an endless source of ideas and quotes. Yet where do you draw the line when it comes to protecting your family’s privacy?

Some authors prefer to use pen names and shield their children completely from the public. J.K. Rowling recently went so far as to sue a photo agency for trying to publish a picture of her son. Though the judge ruled against her, she plans to appeal, stating she takes the privacy and safety of her children “very seriously.”

How do you feel about your family’s privacy? Most Christian writers today use their full names in all marketing materials, including websites. Publishers and agents encourage authors and speakers to build a platform of name recognition, which will encourage a fan base (and sales). Yet is it safe to publish your children’s real names? And what about online images of your family?

You can read the rest of the column here.

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