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May 21, 2009

Author Kristi Holl recently returned from a fabulous ten-day trip to England, where she visited the home of Jane Austen in Chawton. I’m always in awe of the places where authors pen their great works, so I loved Kristi’s picture and description of Austen’s writing desk.

She writes:

I was struck by the contrast between her small desk, just big enough for her paper and ink well, and my two desks back home covered with computers, printers, books, notebooks, and assorted junk. Jane had no shelves of how-to writing books, no writing room of her own, no Internet or cell phone.

If you love Jane Austen, you must read Kristi’s post here.

And if you’re a mother trying to balance your creative life with a desire to write, you’ll be encouraged by this interview with prolific author, Karen O’Conner.

By: Heather Ivester in: Travel,Writing | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (2)

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