I know it’s Sunday, our day of rest, but I was writing this quote in my journal and working through some things personally — and I thought — maybe I should type this into my blog.
Are there any of you out there who feel like you’re in a Waiting Place? Waiting on something BIG or NEW to happen in your life? Are you trying to pay off debts, and the weeks seem long from paycheck to paycheck? Are you waiting on starting a family — and wonder what’s taking so long? Are you feeling frustrated with your present job situation? Then this is for you.
I’m still reading THE BURNING HEART CONTRACT, and Day 6 is about waiting. Becky Tirabassi writes, “No one looks forward to waiting. Many of us jump at opportunities to do something adventurous, or even daring. But no one expects to move in an exciting direction, seemingly at God’s command, only to be disappointed or rejected or stalled or ridiculed.”
She continues, “Yet Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Elijah, and even Jesus stepped out, following God’s call…and then experienced delay, discouragement, and days — even years — in a desert, jail, pit, or wilderness.”
Here’s what I copied into my journal this morning, which I felt compelled to type to you. Tirabassi was speaking to me when she says, “We learn from their lives that the desert, the waiting place, is not a place of punishment. It is a place of preparation, testing, and developing a trust in God. It is a time for listening only to God’s voice so that when many other voices are present, we can recognize only God’s voice…It is a time of holding on to the invisible, the impossible, even the irrational and watching and waiting for God to bring rescue” (p. 63-64).
So, if you feel like you’re in a Waiting Place, could you also be in a season of preparation? A time of learning to hear God’s voice and trust Him? I pray for you, whoever you are, reading this. I pray that you would hear God whisper to you —
Be still, He says, and Know that I am God (Psalm 46:10).