It’s the last day of the year 2005. Do you have your new calendar posted somewhere yet? I love looking at a new blank calendar — my kids and I had fun filling in upcoming birthdays and anniversaries. And of course counting the days until next Christmas!
Have you taken a few minutes to reflect on the past year? I like how Sallie at Two Talent Living wrote a post sharing some of the goals she set and reached this year. Her Journal of Thanksgiving is such a great idea.
Do you write New Year’s Resolutions? I used to. And I tried really hard to keep them, for at least a few weeks. Then I realized in my adulthood that it’s too easy to break resolutions and give up. So now I set goals. I set a few long-term yearly goals, and then I also create monthly goals. These help me to divide and conquer the big things I’d like to accomplish — leading me to write my weekly and daily goals. For me, the process of writing makes the goals seem more attainable.
One of my goals is to read the Bible through in a year. There are lots of plans to do this. I used the One-Year Bible last year (NLT version), which made it easy to bookmark each day. You can always read it straight through — but I like to divide it up by Old and New Testament readings, a Psalm, and a Proverb.
This Bibleplan site has over a dozen reading plans from which to choose. Back to the Bible also features several different plans. Or you may prefer reading small doses of scripture using a devotional book. Gospelcom has several online devotionals that you can read every day — though I always enjoy having my own book that I can keep with me.
Reading a little bit every morning is helpful as you encounter day-to-day living and decisions. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” I’d love to know what you plan to do!

I wish you a safe and happy New Year’s Eve tonight. Here’s a site where you can enjoy a panoramic view of celebrations taking place all over the world.