How many days are left until “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” comes to the movie theater?
Only 8 more days!
Don’t go into the theater without at first peeking at the book. Or at least reading up on what the series is about. You want to be able to tell your kids that Aslan represents Jesus. And the series is written by a Christian author, C.S. Lewis, who planted symbols of his Christian faith throughout all seven books of the Chronicles of Narnia.
Marcia Ford at did an awesome round-up of the top Narnia-related books of the season, including one I reviewed a couple of weeks ago. Here’s what she says:
THE WORLD ACCORDING TO NARNIA: Christian Meaning in C.S. Lewis’s Beloved Chronicles, by Jonathan Rogers (Warner Faith)
Rogers, himself a fantasy novelist, emphasizes the critical role imagination plays in fully understanding the truth of the gospel. He arranges the chapters of his book according to the overarching theme of each of the Narnia books — “Remembering the Signs,” for example, for THE SILVER CHAIR, and “Further Up and Further In” for THE LAST BATTLE. Rogers manages to highlight the biblical elements in the series without loading up the text with scripture references; his is a big-picture view that also sheds light on significant details. Includes a bibliography and notes.
If you don’t subscribe to the newsletter, I highly recommend it. The reviews are heartfelt — most of them are like personal essays about books. You can sign up here.
Look into the eyes of Aslan. Do you see yourself?
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9
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