It looks like I may not be climbing up on the roof after all in my support of American Girl dolls. Thank you to my savvy mom readers who alerted me to the fact that this company is supporting a controversial organization. I didn’t even know about this.
Here’s an article I found in Newsweek from November 14: The Politics of Playtime. And Focus on the Family also has some good information for parents on CitizenLink from 12/1, with the quote, “Tough times call for tough decisions.”
This reminds me of the boycott of Disney when our first child was born. So, we made it through those early baby years with very little of Disney.
Carol sent a link to this article from the American Family Association. Wow — how disappointing this is. This site also tells you how you can write a letter to American Girl. If I had more time, I probably would. But maybe someone in the American Girl publicity department will do a blog search and see that they’ve got some problems.
For now, I leave it up to you. And I thank those of you who wrote to tell me more alternatives. Vision Forum seems to have some great products for families.
Below are people you may want to contact with your concerns. I didn’t know that Mattel owns American Girl. Now I do! You may find their email addresses here.
Mattel Chairman, Bob Eckert
American Girl President, Ellen Brothers
Public Relations, Susan Jevens