I have to tell you — I couldn’t stand it! I peeked over at Professor Bruce Edwards’ blog this morning. He’s already SEEN “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” and so I HAD to slip in there and see what he’d posted. But I didn’t read all of his review — “Not a Tame Wardrobe: 2 Views and They’re Both Mine.” If you’re going to see the movie today, you may want to hold off reading part two of his review — but part one is a great introduction.
I quote a tiny snippet:
I’m no scholar. I don’t know anything about Lewis’s childhood or Mrs. Moore or Greek mythology or who heads Walden Media. I am in the theatre to enjoy, to be entertained, to be swept away into Narnia. My Narnia–the one I remember, the one I cherish. I wouldn’t know an allegory if it bit me. But this I know: it’s Christmas, and, despite the temptations of secularism, I want to keep whatever there is of him, Christ, in Christmas, even if I barely know what that means. That’s why I’m here, in this theatre, wishing away winter so it can be Christmas again. This is the movie for me. So, when I get through the wardrobe, what will I find?
…First moments: I am in tears from the opening sequence…I can’t believe I’m here, and believing, this is so rich, it can’t get any better than this, yet it does, in its subtlety and quiet pacing–the build up of the first 60 minutes is brilliant.
Now how come blogging wasn’t around when I majored in English! I wish my professors had kept a blog — I barely had a chance to get to know any of them outside of the classroom (except for my creative writing professor who invited us over to her house to show us how a REAL novelist lives.)
Dr. Bruce Edwards’ Further Up and Further In definitely takes me behind the scenes — I hope you’ll go visit. And also La Shawn Barber’s new Fantasy Fiction for Christians blog has a live Narnia feed — boy, does La Shawn know how to make you feel like you’re missing out if you don’t visit her blog!
And this email came from Mike Parker, author of one of the many Narnia articles on Crosswalk:
We got to see the film again tonight, and we loved it just as much the second time around. Hint, don’t leave when the credits start.
Now, I told you I’d be writing about FlyLady every Friday — and this is week 2 — but guess what? I’m going to have to wait until next Friday to tell you all about the “27 Fling Boogie” because I’m too busy today doing what FlyLady has been telling me all week. I’ve got to run get our house spiffed up for the weekend.
But I beg you, my fellow WAHMs (work-at-home moms), please join up at the FlyLady website so we can at least feel like our Friday cleaning is fun and social. As I’m doing all these mundane things that women have done for centuries, it’s a lot more enjoyable to know that many of you out there are doing the same thing — and on FlyLady’s emails, she tells you all these success stories…from real readers. And she gets you a little more enthusiastic about decluttering and shining your sink. We gotta make this intellectual for those of us who’d rather be reading than mopping. So, do you care to join me?

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