Yes! Only two more days. How are you holding out? Are you like me — running to open a blog window every now and then to let in a breath of fresh air? I know I’m not the only one. Kids and toys and presents, oh my!
Yesterday, my left arm was hurting…actually throbbing in pain — as I trudged through one last crowded, picked-over thrift-mart, carrying my baby daughter who was SO NOT interested in sitting in her infant seat. As I pushed my cart through the beaded craft kit section, I thought — I’m not going to make it. I’m so tired. Lord, can you help me get out of this store alive?
Yet I cannot TELL you how many people smiled at me, stopped to make eyes with my baby, and asked if I needed help. I thought this one man was an employee, and I asked him to get something for me — it turns out he was just shopping with his family! Later, a teen girl stepped out of her car in the parking lot and asked if I needed help. I must have looked pathetic. Maybe my aching left bicep was sticking up like a Popeye muscle or something.
We made it. So I’m in the thick of it today. And I know you are too. I wish I could THANK all those people who stopped to smile at me and help me…instead I have to just remind us all to return the favor by helping someone else out.
And to my confidential childhood friend who read my entire blog yesterday and wrote me an email as long as a book…YOU totally and completely made my day! I just have to share with you this great idea she gave me!
The best tradition we have is on Christmas morning, [my husband] rings the Christmas Bell and walks the halls proclaiming in his biggest, most important voice, “THE CHRIST CHILD IS BORN! THE CHRIST CHILD IS BORN! ARISE AND TAKE PART, THE CHRIST CHILD IS BORN!” It is a glorious way to wake up.
Isn’t that wonderful? Wouldn’t it be great if we all did that in our own homes? Then all over the world, in our different time zones, the sound of bells would make its way to our Lord in heaven as we wake up to celebrate His birth. Let’s do it!
Here’s something to cook that you can just throw into a crock pot and make your house smell delightful. It will take you five minutes max to toss it in, then it can simmer while you start wrapping finish wrapping presents. It tastes great with a spoonful of vanilla ice cream on the side.
I adapted this from Table Talk by Mimi Wilson and Mary Beth Lagerborg — great book! (And I met Mary Beth recently — she works with MOPS now.)
Crock Pot Apple Crisp
4-6 medium-sized apples, peeled and sliced
1/4 cup honey
1 tsp. cinnamon (I go a bit heavier than that — it smells so good.)
2 Tbsp. brown sugar
2 Tbsp. butter, melted
2 cups granola cereal (I used the kind with raisins in it.)
1 cup water
Place apples in crock pot and mix in remaining ingredients. Cover and cook on low 7-9 hours or on high 2-3 hours. Serve with milk or ice cream. Serves a bunch of kids and a tired husband.
This site is making its way around, but I’ll pass it along to you, in case you’ve missed it. Our whole family loves these pictures — they might be good party entertainment. Go straight to the bunny page and look at that bunny nipping at that cookie. You will be on CUTE OVERLOAD!!
Well, I’ll be out of my blog until Tuesday — when I’ll be having major withdrawal symptoms — so here’s my LAST chance to wish you and your family:
Thanks for stopping in to read. God bless you!!