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March 17, 2006

Cracked at Birth I can’t help but crack up (haha) every time I look at that book cover. Kathryn, sitting at her computer, holding the burned meatloaf. Ooh … I can relate. I once put cookies in the oven, then thought I’d run up to the attic REAL quick to find something. And of course when I got up there, I totally forgot I had cookies in the oven. Oops.

So, I gotta ask Kathryn. What’s with the burnt meatloaf?

The burnt meatloaf reference was just a phrase that made me laugh, but it also refers to those moments in our life when we make silly mistakes, like burning the meatloaf, and instead of crying about it, we should just laugh at ourselves. It makes life a lot more fun!

Tell us about your new book. Why is it called Cracked at Birth?

Well, when I first started writing my column, the editor asked me to come up with a column name. My husband actually came up with “Sunny Side Up” because the columns really just try to get people to laugh at all the strange and unexplained phenomena in life and not take life too seriously. Then, when I was developing my Web site, I recognized that sunny side up is also a way to cook eggs and I just started brainstorming along the whole egg theme. When I came up with “Cracked at Birth,” it just sounded funny to me and also kind of explained my slightly cracked view of life — so I went with it.

Fun! Hey, I saw that your website was one of the top 10 in the Writer’s Digest Best Website competition in 2003. Congratulations! So, what’s it like running a business from home?

Well, like anything, it’s got its plusses and minuses. It’s nice to be able to work from home and contribute to our family’s bottom line, but it’s also challenging because you have to work around your child’s schedule. I learned early on that I could only juggle so much and that has helped save my sanity.

I think it’s important for each mother to determine her comfort zone. How much can you handle? Do you like to be busy all of the time? Do you mind working at night after the kids go to bed? How much money do you want your business to make? These are all important questions you need to consider before you just dive in and start a business.

Can you tell us a little more about your marketing communications business?

Originally, I started out doing both the writing and designing of marketing communications materials, like brochures, fliers, direct mail pieces, etc. I quickly learned that I got flustered trying to handle the whole project, so I decided to focus my efforts on the writing and now outsource the design. This has worked out really well for me.

The percentage of moms working from home continues to grow every year. Do you have any suggestions for women who need to help out with their family income and want to try to work from home?

Just to try and determine what YOU need to make it work. Everyone has different needs, goals, time constraints, and stress tolerance levels. I think a job should be fun and fulfilling. If you find yourself working into the wee hours of the night, not enjoying the work, and most importantly neglecting your kids on a regular basis to get the job done, then I think you need to reassess the situation and come up with
a better balance.

I’m constantly reminding myself that my decision to stay home was to be with my kids and that is the most important thing, so when they get off the bus, I get off the computer and totally engage in being a mom. Raising those little human beings to be successful and happy is our main job and we need to keep sight of that.

Someone once said to me, “You’re only as happy as your unhappiest child,” and I totally believe that to be true. So I try to have fun with my kids, make them laugh, and if they’re happy…I’m happy!

That’s so true! Thanks, Kathryn! This has been such a refreshing experience to talk to someone with such a great outlook. I really enjoyed your book, and I wish you all the best as you continue seeing the Sunny Side Up of life.

P.S. Don’t forget to stop in Kathryn’s website and drop her a note! 🙂

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