Deadline Monday, May 1, 2006 (by midnight!)
Winner will be announced Monday, May 8, 2006
Note: Scroll down for new posts.
Final update 5/1:
Today’s the last day! These stories, letters, essays, and poems are incredible! I hope you can take some time this week to read through these. I worked over the weekend gathering them into one file to make it easier for the other judges. We now have an accomplished poet, school teacher, and a professional writer who are going to help with this. You are all already winners for taking the time to give honor to your moms with your words.
What’s New? 4/29
Only two more days left! We’ve had new entries come in from Slovenia and Germany, so that brings our contest up to SIX countries represented so far! I’ve also found a wonderful, experienced teacher who is going to help with judging. And here’s the best news: I know of several book publishers who are looking for stories like these! Check in next week, and I’ll be posting several opportunities that have upcoming deadlines. I wish I could contact each of you personally and encourage you to submit your story or poem for publication, but God will have to prompt your heart. I do think some of you will see your stories in print someday. What an amazing way to bless your moms with positive words!
Made me smile, 4/28:
Thanks for hosting this contest. I probably wouldn’t have written anything if you hadn’t. Now I have something to give my mom on Mother’s Day. LOL.
Latest, 4/27:
There’s been big news in the publishing world about the Harvard teen author who may have plagiarized passages in the novel that has made her into an overnight sensation. You can read about this here. I felt like I should make this clear that all contest entries are under copyright of the author who submitted them. No one may copy and paste these stories or poems without the author’s permission. And that includes me! I own the rights to my own words, but not anyone else’s. I just thought I’d better make that clear. There are some great submissions here — and I do know about a lot of needs in the publishing industry for first-person stories like these. But I wouldn’t submit anything to a publisher myself — the author would have to do this. THANKS!
Update 4/26:
Thank you to everyone who has submitted so far. We’ve had entries from at least four countries: Japan, the Philippines, Canada, and all over the U.S. I’m enjoying these stories so much! There’s still time if you’ve been waiting for a moment of inspiration! (This also makes a great writing assignment for students if you are a teacher!)
I got an email yesterday that reminded me of the whole purpose of this contest — the strengthening of mother/ daughter relationships through words of affirmation. Someone emailed me this:
Hey Heather,
Thanks for the wonderful opportunity to share about our moms. My relationship with my mother has not always been stellar, especially in recent years. Your contest afforded me the therapeutic opportunity to sit and think. Despite all the disappointments that our relationship has had, what can I remember and be thankful for?
The Lord wanted me to answer that in my own heart, and offer that back to my mom on Mother’s Day. I don’t know how she will respond, but I am glad I took this step. Thank you again for all that you do …
This note blessed me so much! My dream is that if there is anyone out there who hasn’t spoken to your mom in years — or maybe your relationship hasn’t been all that great — why not use this Mother’s Day as a chance to reach out and show her love? Wouldn’t you want one of your kids to do the same to you someday?
Thanks for your support, bloggy friends. I know you’re tired of seeing this post pop up first every day — but I don’t want it to disappear until everyone who wants to has the chance to write something! Only four more days until the deadline!
Proverbs 31:28 KJV
How did your mother show you love while you were growing up? What did she do to make you feel special? If she’s alive now, how do you know she still loves you?
With Mother’s Day around the corner, Mom 2 Mom Connection is hosting our first annual “Mother’s Love” Writing Contest.
Sometime between now and Monday, May 1, tell us how your mom showed you love growing up or how she continues to show you love now. All you have to do is submit something in the comment section here! Then everybody will be able to read about your mom.
If you’ve already written a great post in your own blogs about your mom, be sure to give us the link here so we’ll all click on over to your blog and read it.
In the process of reading about other wonderful moms, many of us who are just starting out our mothering journeys can learn what really counts when raising our children. And if you’re a grandmother, here’s your chance to “advise” us younger moms on what’s most important in life. We’re ASKING for your advice here!
After the deadline on May 1, I’m going to ask several writer friends I know to help me choose the winner of our “Mother’s Love” contest. The Grand Prize Winner will receive a free copy of the book, From a Daughter’s Heart to Her Mom: 50 Reflections on Living Well — signed by the author, who happens to be ME!
This book is a photo essay full of inspiring ways to express love to the woman who raised you, who loves you no matter what. The pictures are soft sepia tone, featuring mothers and daughters of all ages doing those things we love to do together — having tea parties, shopping, gardening, cooking together, hanging out at the beach, and enjoying life in all its important stages. Along with the photos, each page contains a short letter from a daughter to her mom on a specific topic, an inspirational quote, and a scripture. If you’re in any type of women’s ministry hosting a mother/ daughter event, this book would give you lots of ideas!
I’m sure it will be hard to pick only one of your contest submissions as our Grand Prize Winner — so we’ll offer other awards for Most Creative Mom, Funniest Mom, Most Inspirational Mom, and a host of others that we can think of.
Won’t it make a nice gift to your mom to give her an award and let her read something you wrote about her online for the entire world to see?
It doesn’t matter what age you are — if one of your daughters wants to submit an essay, please tell her to do so. Writing about our moms brings honor to them, in a role which is often underappreciated in our world. Whether your mom is still living or has passed on, your words will always be a legacy to her.
Here are a few inspiring quotes from the book (There are over 50 quotes like these, from a variety of women):
Hannah Whitall Smith (p. 13)
Children and mothers never truly part —
bound in the beating of each other’s heart.
Charlotte Gray (p. 123 )
Mother taught me by her example of home and hospitality
that there’s nothing more satisfying than a personal love relationship
with the Lord. It’s what made her strong.
Anne Graham Lotz (p. 17)
So, jump on in and tell us why your mom is special! The Grand Prize Winner and all the runner-ups will also be published in a special “Mother’s Love Essay Winners” post a few days after the contest. This link will be sent to the publisher, Thomas Nelson in Nashville, Tennessee, as well as the designer, Whisner Design Group in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Many people worked on putting this book together besides me, and it will be a nice way to express our appreciation for creating a product that celebrates the awesome glory of motherhood.
P.S. This post will remain at the top of my blog until the deadline, May 1, 2006.
P.P.S. Brownie points if you tell other people about this contest!

Chaotic Home
Full Contact Christ-Centric Living
Devotionals by Donna
Down the Writer’s Path (Vikk Simmons)
Everyday Mommy
Holy Mama!
Light for the Writer’s Soul (Victoria Gaines)
My Lighter Side
O Mama Mia!
She Lives
Smile Smile
Spunky Homeschool
Sting My Heart
What Would Jesus Blog?
Thank you to Darlene for the contest graphic!
Note: This is the final contest link — I won’t be changing the date in this link again!