It’s Sunday afternoon, and all is quiet on our homefront. Guess what daunting task I’m attempting on this day of rest? I’m decluttering and filing all of my emails. I thought I’d better dash over and post in my blog just for a little moral support.
If you KNEW how many emails I’ve let pile up, you’d fall out of your chair — it’s well into the thousands. (yikes!) But filing is actually kind of fun. I’m deleting a ton — but I’ve also got files set up for family, friends, newsletters and articles I want to save for research, quotes I pick up, groups I’m involved in, and a host of other categories.
Mostly, I’m realizing I’ve got a lot of clutter to get rid of. FlyLady has inspired me. Less is more.
Back to work now. 😉
[Edit: It’s done. My in-box is sorted and cleaned out! Now … on to those paper files.]
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