Today, I want to say thanks to two ladies who continually encourage me in my quest to drop these last, irritating, going-nowhere postpartum pounds. I’ve wanted to give up so many times in the last few weeks.
It’s so tempting to raise the white flag on being thin and having energy like I did in my early 20s before having kids. I worked hard this summer and lost 15 pounds, but then I got slack — and stressed — and started eating cookies, chips, crackers, etc. and I gained 3 pounds back. Most of all, my energy level sunk, as I let sugar creep back into my diet.
My husband noticed last weekend. He said, “Something’s different about you lately. Is everything OK?”
“I’ve given up on exercise,” I said. “I just don’t have time. I can’t fit it into my schedule.”
Then he told me if I worked out now, I’d be glad in ten years, when I feel and look good in my late 40s. These will be the years when I actually have time and money (hopefully) to go shoe shopping and maybe even get a decent haircut more often than every 6 months.
I needed some inspiration, and I got it from my two favorite healthy lady bloggers: Alyice Edrich of DM Writes and Melodee of The Amazing Shrinking Mom. Alyice keeps me motivated with her workout ideas, and she still has time to run a profitable writing business. It makes me feel like exercising when I read what she’s done to stay on track!
Melodee of The Amazing Shrinking Mom is a Clubmom blogger who has lost — are you ready — 43 pounds since she started blogging about her weight. Way to go! Here’s her eating plan on her blog:
On April 17, 2006, I quit eating sugar, white flour, white rice, potatoes, high-fat dairy and high-fat meats. I read The GI (Glycemic Index) Diet by Rick Gallop and incorporated most of his ideas, though once a week or so, I indulge in movie-theater popcorn and a soft taco. I eat a piece of dark chocolate every day. I plan to eat this way the rest of my life because, seriously, no cookie is worth being fat forever.
At first, Melodee started losing weight through only changing her diet habits. But lately, she’s on an exercise streak. She works out at her local YMCA. So, she’s motivated me to get back to the gym as well. It’s easy to make excuses when you don’t see results — but I know I’ve got to keep going.
Well, those are the bloggers who’ve blessed me this week. When I wanted to give up, they kept me going. I went back to the grocery store and bought myself some more mixed salads (which will replace pasta, potatoes and rice for me), almonds, and mozarella string cheese for my “diet.” I’m going to pray every time I feel that urge to eat “just one cookie” and think what Melodee said: “No cookie is worth being fat forever.” I want to be 50 and fabulous someday — not 50 and frumpy!
Too bad I can’t burn calories while blogging. I’m off now …
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