Our church is starting to collect boxes for Operation Christmas Child, sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse, an organization started by Billy Graham’s son, Franklin. On Wednesday, the RAs and GAs will be stuffing their boxes, so we’re planning on going out this week to shop for toys, arts supplies, toiletries, and other small gift items.
As I was browsing the pamphlet about it yesterday during church (before the sermon, of course), I wondered if this ministry was really all that important. I mean, do those poor children really need a bunch of American trinkets and hard candy?
Then I read that these boxes will be helpful to organizations that are already working in local ministries in those countries. As local missionaries help meet people’s spiritual needs, our little plastic shoeboxes will help draw excitement from children. That will bring more people to hear the Gospel, which can bring hope and joy to the entire family.
I’m convinced this is a worthy cause — and something easy for children to get involved in. My kids like picking out the toys and art supplies. It helps them to think beyond their own small world.
I’m oh-so-thankful for all the volunteers who donate their time and energy toward this program. You can learn more about how you can get involved at the Samaritan’s Purse website. But hurry — National Collection Week is November 13-20. That’s coming up quick. You can find out if there are any local drop-off points near you on the website.

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