It looks like we have a lot of chocolate fans here. What an education! I think it’s definitely time for me to start branching beyond Hershey’s with almonds. I’m impressed with your exquisite taste for the good stuff!
Thank you to everyone who left a comment to enter into the drawing. I wrote all your names on little slips of paper, and this morning, I drew…
Ruth of “It’s True,” Sighed Roo!
Congratulations! I’ll be sending you a copy of Julie Carobini’s novel, Chocolate Beach. Hope you have a great time reading it (and of course eating some chocolate while you read!).
I’m attending my fourth Easter egg hunt of the week — our church had an egg hunt Wednesday night, the preschool is having one today, and there’s an egg hunt and cookout for my older children in the afternoon. And Easter is still over a week away — which means we’ll still have another egg hunt at Grandma’s house.
Next week is our spring break — and I also have a couple of wonderful interviews to post. You will love hearing what these ladies have to share!
I wish you a happy weekend — with lots of chocolate, of course! 🙂

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