It arrived last week.
Green ink, black “Panther” paw prints running up the page, and a yellow sticky note inscribed with words that made me almost faint in fear:
Can’t wait to see you at our reunion —
Can’t believe it’s been 20 years!
Should be lots of fun!
Hope all is well.
— Kim
Yes! It’s true! My husband and I BOTH have our high school 20-year reunions this summer, a week apart.
This means I’ll need to be dancing the night away to 80s favorites like “Jungle Love” and “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.” Actually, my reunion is a whole weekend-long thing! What am I going to do when it’s 10 pm and I can’t stop yawning? I’ll look pathetic taking a nap in the corner!
The panic is beginning to set in — I’ve got to get in shape. I’ve blogged about this today over at Writer Interrupted. Let’s encourage each other to get moving!
P.S. For you writers out there, don’t you think this would make a funny plot for a mom-lit novel? The mom trying desperately to get in shape for her 20-year reunion? Dropping off her kids in the nursery at the fitness center, hauling her behind over to a spinning class, emailing her high school friends and wondering how they’ve changed …

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