I recently discovered a site that allows you to search your region to see if there are any parenting publications that accept freelance work. You can check it out too at Parenting Publications of America.
This is so easy to do. When I typed in my state, I discovered there are four parenting magazines that are members of PPA. I’m familiar with one that is available in our hometown, but the other three were new to me. Because I’m within driving distance of these areas, I may have some article ideas that would interest them. I’m definitely an “expert” on my own region.
According to the writer guidelines, here is the payment info for these magazines:
• Reprint rates: vary from $25 to $45
• Original articles: vary from $50 to $300
Several of the writers in my writing group have sold the same article dozens of times, being paid every time it’s printed.
I saw this hint in the guidelines:
Geography is important to PPA editors in more than one way. Whether you want to pitch an original idea or sell reprint rights to an already written piece, you will meet with more success if you offer to localize the piece for every publication that publishes it. For example, offer to add quotes from local experts or parents, or include a sidebar with local resources. The editor may be able to suggest contacts.
As a parent writer, you can be “interviewing” local experts as you go about your daily life. Think about what kind of how-to articles you could write to a newcomer or a new parent, using quotes from local sources. You could “interview” your child’s pediatrician (with permission, of course), while you’re at your well check-up. You could “interview” local artists if your child is taking art lessons and do a round-up article on what types of art lessons are available in your area for children.
My kids have taken painting lessons from a wonderful retired schoolteacher. I took some pictures of her one day teaching the kids. Then when an opportunity came from a national magazine to write an article about retirees getting involved in community service, I already had my source and a photo!
I interviewed her officially by phone and asked permission to use the picture. I also interviewed a retired cousin who is active in volunteer work to add another voice to the story. After the article came out, I sent them both a copy, and they were happy to see it.
I was also happy to receive a check for writing something that was so much fun!