My children have been praying every day for the 33 miners who’ve been trapped inside a gold and copper mine in Chile since August 5. I can’t get this story out of my mind. We pray for them together every afternoon and every night, and their classmates are all praying for them every morning at school.
Romans 12:12 tells us to “be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” How in the world can these 33 men hold on to hope when they’ve been stuck in a dark hole a half-mile beneath the earth’s surface for nearly three weeks?
I love this photo, showing the president of Chile holding a note that was scribbled by one of the miners, and sent up by a drill. It says
Estamos bien en el refugio los 33 which translates to “All 33 of us are fine in the shelter.” Oh wow. The note was sent up after they’d been missing for 17 days.
This story will continue, and we’ll continue to pray for their safe rescue. I don’t know how to answer all the questions my 7-year-old asks, but he’s completely in awe of these men’s struggle to survive. I think God speaks to the tender hearts of children to remind us busy adults what’s really important in life.
Engineers are estimating it may take four months to bring each man back to the surface safely. Until that moment, we’ll keep praying together.
*photo source: Hector Retamal, Associated Press
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