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June 5, 2008

I guess it’s been pretty obvious the last few weeks that blogging has slid down my priority list. I really appreciate those of you who still stop in and check on me now and then. I’m amazed that you care to keep up!

I don’t want to lose this place — because I keep thinking one of these days I’m going to get back to it. I love writing about books and inspirational media — yet my reading has slowed to a crawl lately. I guess I’ve reached a point in life where I’d rather be doing something than reading about other people doing things.

When I started blogging in October 2005, it seemed like the perfect timing. Back then, my youngest was six months old, sitting in my lap while I typed. Now she’s three — and she’s got a million things she’d rather be doing than watching me tap away on a keyboard!

So I thought I’d check in and let you know I’m giving myself an official summer break from blogging. Summers have gotten shorter with the new school calendar. Since we get a week off in October and three weeks off at Christmas, our new school year resumes in early August.

How about you? Are you feeling a need to rest and recharge your batteries? If I forget to charge my cell phone a few days, my battery wears out until my phone is useless. We mothers are the same way.

If you’re feeling tired and in need of a vacation, give yourself one! Even if you’re on a budget, you can still step out into your backyard and breathe deeply, letting go of your worries.

That’s where I’ll be.

By: Heather Ivester in: Motherhood | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (18)

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