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August 14, 2006

I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Maybe it’s the new school year, the fireworks we watched over the horizon last night, the smell of freshly cut grass. Who knows? But I’m thinking this is the year I want to try some new things.

First off, I’m getting out of the house more, that’s for sure. The past year, it’s been such an ordeal to load my toddler and baby up in the car, I’ve just stayed home. This was fine — because I had lots of work at home to keep me busy.

But since I’ve started blogging at Lively Women and getting some energy back, I’ve had that extra push I need to get us out the door. So this morning, I loaded up my two youngest and went to a fitness center that provides childcare and took my first SPINNING class. As in bicycle wheels spinning around.

I could barely keep up. I was the only person in the class who wasn’t skinny and muscular with a blonde ponytail — but at least I had on my cute Target workout clothes. So I smiled and enjoyed the scenery — which was black lights with lots of glowing things on the walls. My socks glowed. The stripe on my spandex glowed. It was fun to be glowing in the dark and not thinking about laundry.

I made it through the class by just cycling along, doing my own thing. Nobody seemed to care that I’m the most out of shape person who’s ever stepped foot in that glowing room. I even got a little white towel like everyone else did to wipe off sweat. I pretended like I knew what I was doing. Then I went and did some push-ups and sit-ups because that’s what the other fitness girls were doing.

My kids did fine in the nursery — despite the fact that they stuck to me like magnets when I dropped them off. They both cried at first, and I felt cruel and heartless. But this cruel and heartless mom needs to exercise — and be around adults. Who don’t ask questions.

I think I’ll go back tomorrow. If I can move my legs. 🙂

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