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November 17, 2006

Thanks to all of you who left comments about what you were doing 20 years ago. I’ve had so much fun reading through these — and I even traveled to Taiwan to read Amanda’s story. You should go, just to see her adorable picture.

Well, here’s an interesting coincidence. I opened my regular mailbox yesterday and found a card from a high school friend I’ve reconnected with via email. She sent me two pictures of us from the mid-80s, including one that showed my husband in the background!

I think. I might. get up the nerve. to post those pictures. Maybe over the weekend. I hate to waste all that good hairspray and hours of time I spent teasing my bangs to gigantic heights.

Anyway, I’ve done the very scientific method of writing down everyone’s name on a small piece of paper, putting them in a blue tupperware bowl, and asking my son to draw one out.

And the winner is … Elle of Fall on the Grace!

Congratulations! You’ve won a signed copy of Tricia Goyer’s new book, Generation NeXt Parenting. I’ll get in touch with you by email to get the book to you!

I’ve been so busy this week — I can’t believe I’ve agreed to host my daughter a nine-year-old birthday slumber party, and I’ve got tons of things to check off my list. The theme is “puppies,” and I’m desperately searching for a craft idea. I found party favors through Oriental Trading — but no luck with the puppy craft.

I’m thinking it would be perfect to find some kind of felt purse kit (shaped like a dog, of course) that we could sew very easily. That’s my first choice — if not that, then some kind of jewelry thingy with beads. We have a new Hobby Lobby in town, so I’ll head there this weekend.

And next week! We have a very special guest coming. I can’t wait for you to give him a warm welcome. Yes, I said him. Our first male visitor to Mom 2 Mom. Be nice, y’all. He’s brave. A pioneer preparing the way for those who dare to follow.

By: Heather Ivester in: Books,Family | Permalink | Comments & Trackbacks (4)

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