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February 1, 2006

Iris is hostessing the Carnival of Beauty on her site today. The topic, The Beauty of Gentleness, brought in quite an eclectic gathering of thoughts — and it’s like visiting old friends now when I amble into these women’s blogs. (I feel like I need to wipe my feet on a doormat or something — or bring some flowers!)

Here’s a quote I found today from Daily Christian Quote. I think Billy Graham and I seem to be on the same wavelength with what I wrote about yesterday:

Too many women have too much leisure time for their own good. They have time for criticism, gossip, faultfinding, and complaining. They have time for idle games and lay too much attention to things of the flesh. There are other women who have too little time for the enduring things of life. They are too busy flitting about doing this and that. They have great activity and much doing, but they lack time for building Christian characters. Both kinds of women — the too-idle and the too-busy need to take time for meditation and quiet repose in prayer to God. They need time to cultivate their souls that in turn they may cultivate their children’s lives.

Billy Graham
Billy Graham Organization

I love that phrase, “cultivate their souls.” That will give me something good to think about today.

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