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February 6, 2006

I’ve been tapped by Sting My Heart for this blogger meme. I don’t do many of these, but I did the Seven Sevens back in December. They’re kind of like chain letters, which I never forward, but actually, this one’s kind of nice. It made me do some remembering, which God likes for us to do.

What was I doing…?

10 Years ago (1996):

1. I was preparing to become a new mom, reading What to Expect When You’re Expecting and how-to books on labor, nursing, baby development, etc. Then our son was born, and our lives were changed forever!
2. We lived in a small neighborhood, and I took walks every day with my neighbors, who were also new parents.
3. I finished my last semester of graduate school, completing a master’s degree in English education.
4. I taught high school sophomores and seniors how to read Shakespeare and write essays — and then I cried while I read their journals.
5. My best friend from when I lived in Japan came to visit me to meet our new baby — but she died of cancer on Thanksgiving Day (2000), and I didn’t realize I’d never see her again.

5 Years ago (2001):

1. We put our house on the market the week of 9/11/01. I was afraid the world was coming to an end after the Twin Towers were struck.
2. We had chickens in our backyard, and I ground my wheat and made bread every week.
3. I was reading a lot of books about homeschooling and getting ready to start teaching my oldest son how to read.
4. I was quilting, smocking, and taking piano lessons — and realizing that I’d never be very good at any of those things.
5. I found out we were expecting our fourth child, and I had a late miscarriage that ended with emergency surgery to save my life.

1 Year ago (February 2005):
1. I stayed home with my toddler who colored the walls, while my three older children were in school.
2. I was pregnant with our fifth child, who was born in the spring.
3. We joined a new church, and our two older children were baptized.
4. I finished up several home writing courses and attended three writers’ conferences.
5. I signed a contract to write a small Mother’s Day gift book, and I wrote it.

Yesterday (Saturday Feb. 4, 2006):
1. My 3-year-old son came and wrapped his arms around my neck and said, “Mama, I love underwear.” (No more diapers!)
2. I turned in my manuscript for a devotional book on “Hope” that I’m helping to write.
3. I edited the introduction and first three chapters of my friend Trish’s book for moms. It will be published in 2007, and she wrote my name in the acknowledgements.
4. My youngest daughter learned to crawl, and I watched her — happy and sad at the same time.
5. We enjoyed a delicious dinner at my husband’s parents’ house, which I’ll tell you about in the post that follows.

5 Songs I know all the words to:
Lots of praise songs — I love praise songs.

5 Greatest Joys:
1. The Word of God and my relationship with Christ.
2. My family — I love growing closer to my husband as the years go by and watching our children grow up. Plus we’re blessed with wonderful extended families.
3. I enjoy encouraging people to pursue their dreams.
4. I love taking pictures of joyful events that I hope to write about someday when I have more time.
5. I’ve discovered I really enjoy travel writing and would like to do more of it.

The other parts of this meme are:
5 Things I’d do with a million dollars
5 Places I’d run away to
5 Things I’d never wear
5 Favorite toys
5 Favorite books or TV shows
5 People I tag

I can’t think of anything else right now — so I’ll stop here! If any of you reading this would like me to tag you, then I tag you. Have fun!

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