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March 11, 2006

I want to write a quick note to share a few things that are going on in our blogging community. It really is a small world now that we can click over and visit each other. If we met each week in a book club or Bible study, we’d probably go around and ask for prayer requests, right?

So this week, my prayers are with Alyice of The Dabbling Mum. Many of you read her blog or visit her website — I know some of you are her regular columnists. Alyice found out the devastating news that her mother suddenly passed away. Now she will be traveling across several states to be with her family. Even though she’ll probably be off-line for a while, I think it would mean a lot to her if you dropped by her blog and said you were thinking of her.

Also, Carol of She Lives wrote an essay about the death of her father-in-law a couple of days ago. I’m so thankful she took the time to write out some of her special memories and share them with us. We’ll be keeping her family in our prayers as well.

As for me, I’m still not sure what to do about my wrist — I don’t know if it might be broken or just sprained! I wrote the other day about how I fell up our makeshift “porch steps” and felt a really sharp pain. Of course, I ignored it, hoping it would go away. The bruise is gone, but I still feel too much pain to even do simple things like unscrew lids. And I’ve usually got a baby on my left hip while I do everything — so this pain is starting to be a real … pain. I don’t want to have to be billed for an x-ray if it’s one of these things that might heal on its own.

Also, if any of my local friends are reading this, does anyone know a good, reasonable carpenter? We’re in desperate need of getting back steps on our porch built, as well as a railing to protect our newly mobile baby from crawling off the porch. We keep thinking we’ll wait until we can save up … but we can’t wait any longer. This has got to be done! When I blog about things, it seems to move us into action around here. A sprained or broken wrist is nothing like a baby falling off a porch.

Now, for the good news. I discovered that Lauren of Created for HIS Glory is thinking about starting an online study of Beth Moore’s Living Beyond Yourself. She’s suggesting maybe if there are several of us who’d like to sign up for it at the same time, we could post about it once a week in our blogs, then create a blogroll in our sidebar of other participants. This looks like perfect timing for me, since our group here is just finishing up Beth Moore’s Believing God study.

If you’re interested, leave a comment here or at Created for HIS Glory . If you’ve never heard of Beth Moore or done one of her studies, let me just tell you, she will TEAR OPEN the Bible in a fresh way like you’ve never experienced before. She’s the most passionate teacher I’ve ever heard and speaks from such a humble heart. Her studies are intense, but they’re not aimed for scholars; they’re for real people who may need a few extra minutes to look in their index to find the book she’s talking about. So feel free to join us!

Last but not least, there are still a few more days to join into Barbara Curtis’ Love That Laundry Room contest over at Mommy Life. You have until March 15 to enter by sending her a picture of yourself in your laundry room, and you might win a copy of Lord, Please Meet Me in the Laundry Room!

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