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May 15, 2006

I’m curious to see if any of you have any advice or opinions to offer about wireless internet connection. I’ve been giving it some more consideration lately. We’ve been on a waiting list for DSL for over a year now, but every time I inquire, I’m told “Sorry, you’re too far out.”

The cable company says we’re too far out as well. And I don’t trust satellite. When we had satellite TV several years ago, strange things happened whenever we had a storm or high wind — our TV would lose the signal. I wonder if that would happen on the computer as well.

My friend who also lives out in the country and now has wireless says it works great. Here’s my question: is it safe? Is it like a cell phone, where people can pick up your conversations on a baby moniter? Is there a way to scramble things? I’m really clueless about all this wireless stuff — but I’m also to the point where Dial-Up is making it impossible to download anything.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

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