Summer is in full swing here. Our library’s summer reading program officially kicks off on Thursday — but we’ve already carted away our first load of books. I learned long ago from a maven mom that wheels are required on library visits.
For a while, we used a rolling crate that we got from an office supply store. We kept it in our trunk because it folded flat — then we could roll it in the house and keep our library books in it throughout the week. But a wheel popped off … somewhere. So today we used a rolling suitcase. It worked great. The kids loaded up the suitcase until it was full, then it was time to go. One kid pushed the baby stroller, another pulled the suitcase — giving me a free hand to keep the NOISY 3-year-old out of the fish tank. (Which is still more interesting than books.)
I love the library. I don’t love bringing five kids to a place where we have to ssssshhhhh be quiet — but it seems there is more grace abounding in the summer when there are more people milling around.
Our summer reading theme is “Once upon a time,” and so there are castles and moats set up all over the library. I think I’m signed up to help with crafts a week or two. That should keep life challenging, although I can use scissors, and I even know how to carry them should I have to walk around the room.
My summer reading this year will consist of FICTION — yes! Glorious fiction. I am thrilled with my stack of Christian novels just begging to be opened. Wanna sneak a peek? Here’s what’s on my list:
A Stitch in Time (Allison Bottke)
Grace in Thine Eyes (Liz Curtis Higgs)
Dying to Decorate (Cyndy Salzman)
The Secret Life of Becky Miller (Sharon Hinck)
AND I’m still waiting on my much-anticipated copies of Watching the Tree Limbs (Mary DeMuth) and A Girl’s Best Friend (Kristin Billerbeck)
My new Book Buzz column is up at Christian Women Online — be SURE to check out my recommendations for the men in your life. (My column is aptly titled “In Celebration of Men.” Don’tcha love it?) And while you’re there — check out who won the CWO Blog of the Month! (Hint — she’s originally from Germany, lives in Phoenix, is a faithful Carnival of Beauty and LBY blogger — and her blog title has something to do with Ephesians. Go tell her congrats!) Also, you can read the awesome winner of the Father’s Heart writing contest (which I was so honored to be asked to help judge) AND you can enter a drawing to win a copy of Wayne Holmes’ newest book, The Embrace of a Father. So head on over to CWO right now!
A few people have written me lately asking how I choose which books to review. Well, for Christian Book Previews, the editor sends out a list of books — there were over a hundred to choose from last time. I usually pick a book I’ve already heard some “buzz” about, which is how I picked The Secret Life of Becky Miller. I’ve heard a TON about this new book, and it’s humorous MOM-LIT published by Bethany House. So I can’t wait.
For Book Buzz, here’s what I’m looking for:
1 — Books that will uplift and inspire the readers of Christian Women Online magazine. Fiction or non-fiction. They must be clean, but don’t necessarily have to be published by a CBA house. I’m trying to stick with books written by women for women — but this month all the books were written by men for anybody! So I won’t rule out male authors — but the CWO audience is all female (as far as I know … ).
2 — I prefer books that are less than two years old. But this is not set in stone. If you know of a great classic that would be perfect for CWO readers, please let me know. Sometimes, nothing beats an oldie but goodie.
3 — Write me a query. Tell me why the book is perfect for Christian women readers! I usually don’t review self-published books unless they’ve been professionally edited — but this is also not set in stone. Two of my favorite books last year were self-published — and gee, it makes so much sense financially if you’re a public speaker to self-publish. Send your query/ press release to heatherivester at bellsouth dot net.
Also on my reading list this summer — Cec Murphey said I HAVE to read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. He’s about the millionth person who’s told me to read it. Oh yes, and Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees. And I’ve heard a ton of people suggest Peace Like a River by Leif Enger. So you see, I’ll be off in fiction-land this summer.
Actually, I have another change of plans this summer — which I’ll tell you about later this week. First, I’ve got to work on writing my last LBY post to complete this Beth Moore study. I think everyone else is finished except me. But guess what? I get to do it again this fall — our preschool mom group will be studying Living Beyond Yourself! So maybe I’ll be able to keep up this time — I hope. (I think God knew I REALLY needed to take this study again. Who doesn’t need a little more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and SELF-CONTROL?)