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September 8, 2006

If you’ve been blessed by a blogger lately, here’s your chance to tell everybody. Just write something on your own blog, and send the link to Christian Women Online. Or if you don’t blog, then you can comment here.

I’ve been blessed by so many people, but I have to highlight two bloggers who really made me go, “Wow!” this week.

Carol of She Lives
This week, my local Jr. Woman’s Club sent out our monthly newsletter, and as I looked over the list of upcoming fall projects, I saw the Memory Walk coming up in October. This event raises money for the Alzheimer’s Association, and last year, our city raised $15,000. Our club has been asked to help staff registration and set-up.

It will take up several hours of my Saturday, but as I gave it some thought, I remember a post Carol wrote back in June about her father, She Takes a Walk. Carol wrote about how her father passed away from Alzheimer’s Disease when he was 65 years old, and that it’s hereditary in her family. Every time I read her post, I get tears in my eyes.

Before her father died, Carol worked very hard to make her dad a scrapbook to help him remember the special people in his life. But she went beyond this — she signed up to be a Creative Memories Consultant and taught workshops to help other people create their own memory albums. She was asked to keynote the Memory Walk kick-off luncheon in her hometown, and her team won an award for raising the highest amount of funds. You can see a picture in her post.

So, thanks to Carol’s passion for Alzheimer’s patients, I feel that I have a personal connection to this association, and now I’m getting involved locally. And of course I have a story to tell people. I hope you can read She Takes a Walk, if you haven’t already.

Jenn of Secular Transcendence: The Random Adventures of a Recently Born Again Messianic Jew
I didn’t realize Jenn had a new blog until this week. Our “paths” crossed during the Beth Moore Living Beyond Yourself online study — Jenn and I were both members of this group. I have to say “Wow!” a million times when I’ve read about her transformation — what joy to have a new sister in Christ as a result of this study!

Watching the Tree Limbs

I read Jenn’s post of August Book Reviews, and I had to jump over to her old blog to read her review of Watching the Tree Limbs, by Mary DeMuth. I read that book too and reviewed it for CWO last month.

Here are the sentences in Jenn’s review that took my breath away (if she doesn’t mind me quoting):

Stopping at various passages to meditate on an idea or little snippet of dialogue that touched me I felt the hand of God reach down and cup my face up to tell me, “Now, do you remember child? You are Mine. You need not worry about anything because I’ve got it all under control.”

See, I had forgotten. I had shut my eyes to Him everywhere, to His whispers in everything. I got wrapped up in this Earthly mess we call life and just plain forgot to stop thinking for myself. I forgot what it felt to be free. I forgot to let the Spirit take over. It happens to me. I don’t know why, but it does. How quickly everything just falls to pieces when that happens. But how quickly it all comes together when I remember.

I thank you God for leading me to this book. I thank you Ms. Demuth for not being afraid to share your story, for reminding me that I have a purpose in life, probably not unlike your own but more importantly for reminding me that I’m His and He loves me and will never, ever forget me.

After I read that, I emailed Jenn and asked if she’d ever visited Mary DeMuth’s blog — and she wrote back that she didn’t even know Mary had one! So I sent this review link to Mary, and they’ve connected. Mary wrote about it here.

There are more bloggers who’ve blessed me, but I guess this is long enough for one post. I’ve never met any of these ladies personally, yet we’re connected through our faith and our words.

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